Journal title          : JLE: Journal of Literate of English Education Study Program
Frequency            : 2 issues per year (Juli & Desember)
Print ISSN             : 2745-9357
Online ISSN          : 2745-8563
Editor-in-chief      : Harmilawati
Managing Editor : St. Rahmaniah Bahrun
Publisher              : LP2M Universitas Islam Ahmad Dahlan Sinjai
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar

The aim of JLE: Journal of Literate of English Education Study Program is to promote and publish research-based articles having a depth discussion of the theories and practices of English language teaching and learning related concerns by encouraging inquiries into relationship between theoretical and practical studies.  This journal  accepts manuscripts of scientific articles within the scope: teaching and learning of English, language, language education, linguistics, literature, English language teaching and learning, English language testing and assessment, English language instructional materials, Curriculum design and development in ELT, Information and Communication Technology in ELT, Applied linguistics, English language acquisition, Discourse analysis, English Language Pedagogy, English language Literacy, English for Specific Purposes, ELT Materials Development and Evaluation, English Language Testing and Assessment, Teaching English to Young Learners, English Literature, Second Language Acquisition, Language Teaching, English Language Teaching, Curriculum Development, Material Development, Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Pragmatics, and Translation

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