One form of the Qur'anic interpretation is the interpretation of the Qur'an using a fiqh or legal approach. This interpretation method existed during the time of the Prophet SAW, but it was not yet structured methodologically based on the analysis of scientific study methods as is known today, then the interpretation of the fiqh received attention from scholars later on which later gave birth to a number of interpretation works entitled Tafsir Ayat al-Ahkam or Al-Jami' li Ahkam al-Qur'an. The interpretation of the Qur'an using a fiqh approach aims to foster legal awareness for Muslims to direct them in upholding the law of Allah SWT and prevent them from disbelief, injustice and wickedness in relation to the enforcement of the law of Allah SWT. However, in the development of human life, especially in the modern era, constitutional laws and regulations have been issued in a country - especially a country with a Muslim majority - where various rules and laws become the legal umbrella and patron of law enforcement which normatively can erode and distance Muslim society from the law of Allah SWT. Therefore, so that the Law of Allah SWT can continue to be the patron and legal umbrella in creating justice, wisdom and prosperity of life, there is no other way for Muslim society, except to make efforts to harmonize the enforcement and implementation of the law of Allah with positive law which of course must begin with a study and identification as well as contextual understanding of law through the path of legal literacy of the Qur'an and positive law by using various methodological tools with practical scientific steps. For that reason, in this paper, the author proposes a methodological step in an effort to harmonize the law of Allah SWT in the Qur'an with positive law in the constitution of a country through the method of Tafsir fiqhiy study with a contextual comparative approach (Muqaranatul al-mqashid), legal principles and legal rules all of which aim to foster awareness of every Muslim individual and their society back to the implementation and enforcement of the law of Allah SWT through an understanding of the Qur'an which is harmonized with positive law, both constitutional law and customary law of a society.
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